Organisation Aim:
Associació Prosec's primary aim is to provide support and assistance to socially excluded and vulnerable individuals, with a particular focus on children, youth, families, and adults facing challenges in the areas of education, training, and social well-being. The organisation's overarching goal is to enhance the quality of life for these groups by fostering their autonomy and personal development. The organisation is committed to maintaining a high standard of professional ethics in its interactions with the people it serves, offering comprehensive, respectful, and responsible services.
Target Group:
Associació Prosec primarily targets socially vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals, including children, youth, families, and adults.The organisation also focuses on at-risk youth and adults, offering guidance and training programmes to improve their employability and integration.
Main Action:
The main actions of Associació Prosec encompass a range of services and initiatives. These include providing non-formal education, supporting youth and families, offering scholarships for children, running parallel schooling programmes, and implementing youth activities led by highly trained social educators and supported by volunteers. Additionally, Prosec's Training & Occupation section plays a crucial role in integrating at-risk youth and adults through career guidance and training courses aimed at improving their employability.

Youth Council Prilep
City, Country: Prilep, Macedonia
Website: www.ycp.org.mk
Email: contact@ycp.org.mk
Organisation Aim:
Youth Council Prilep is a sustainable leading organization at local and regional level, a reliable partner in creating and implementing youth policy, along with all key stakeholders. Our work as a visible and recognized organization is based on democratic values that enable young people to be creative and active citizens.
Target Group:
Young people aged 14-29
Main Action:
Youth Council Prilep supports young people in the region by implementing projects to help them and provide opportunities to improve their capacity by providing mentoring support and their involvement in creative workshops, trainings, seminars, and social events in order to grow into active citizens.

Universitat de Lleida (Càtedra d’Innovació Social)
City, Country: Lleida, Spain
Website: https://www.innovaciosocial.udl.cat
Email: carles.alsinet@udl.cat
Email: claudia.tejada@udl.cat
Organisation Aim:
The Chair of Social Innovation at the University of Lleida aims to generate new value in the social action of the region through research and education, facilitated by dialogue and reflection, social participation, and knowledge transfer. In addition to aspiring to be a space for academic reflection, it aims to become an instrument that promotes shared social dialogue among social agents, professionals, and society, creating new synergies between the university, organizations, and businesses.
Target Group:
University students (for teaching), adolescents, children, youth at risk, individuals with mental illnesses (our project's target groups).
Main Action:
Create social change in the city of Lleida and its surroundings through social actions (e.g., promotion and prevention interventions).
Association WalkTogether
City, Country: Bankya, Bulgaria
Organisation Aim:
WalkTogether's primary aim is to bring together youth, youth worers and experts and to promote career development and youth empowerment while using non-formal educational tools. The organisation focuses on sharing information with other countries, facilitating informed choices for young people, bridging the gap between youth mobility experiences and future career prospects. Through its various projects and local initiatives, WalkTogether searches and uses innovative educational methods to share knowledge with those around us, while creating an environment for ideas to thrive. With a decade of experience, the organization has developed methodological plans, such as "Digital Entrepreneurship Accelerator" and "Youth Financial Academy," aiming to enhance skills, competencies, and employment opportunities for both youth and adults.
Target Group:
Youth from 18 years old until 30 years old.
Main Action:
WT conducts workshops for youth, focusing on different skills connected to the job market (leadership, creativity, time management, teamwork etc). The organization also focuses on strengthening youth workers' competencies to guide and support young individuals in their various pursuits. Additionally, WalkTogether is active in promoting societal engagement through campaigns, debates, and research. We publish informational materials and collaborate with various stakeholders, both nationally and internationally. The organization regularly hosts workshops, seminars, conferences, and meetings on relevant topics, all contributing to the enhancement of knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Foróige - The National Youth Development Organisation
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Website: https://www.foroige.ie
Email: info@foroige.ie
Organisation Aim:
To enable young people to involve themselves consciously and actively in their development and in the development of society.
Target Group:
Foróige work with young people aged 8-25 years through a range of services and programmes to develop their knowledge, skills, behaviour and attitudes.
Main Action:
Foróige work with over 50,000 young people each year through volunteer-led Clubs and staff-led Youth Projects Foróige empowers young people to develop their abilities and attributes, to think for themselves, to make things happen and to contribute to their community and society. As a result, they develop greater self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience and greater capacity to take charge of their lives. Foróige operates in communities across Ireland where we engage adult volunteers and staff to enable young people to lead happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.

Fundacja Sempre a Frente
City, Country: Lublin, Poland
Website: https://sempre.org.pl
Email: biuro@sempre.org.pl
Organisation Aim:
Sempre a Frente Foundation carries out programs in the area of prevention, psychological education and promotion of active citizenship for young people since 2010. We mostly focus on: promoting and supporting mental health and protection of children and youth, engaging young people in voluntary work, structured dialogue and participatory initiatives, developing psychosocial, civic, cyber and vocational skills of youth, youth workers and adults. We help especially those with fewer opportunities, coming from difficult backgrounds and experienced with violence. We work with schools, universities, municipalities and other NGOs in Lublin, Lubelskie region and all of Europe, acting to empower youth and reaching over 4000 people annually. We are the initiator and the partner of European Youth Capital Lublin 2023.
Target Group:
Children and youth till 30 y.o., their parents, teachers and youthworkers.
Main Action:
Sempre a Frente Foundation runs on a daily basis two facilities: Child Advocacy Centre - one and only place like this in the whole region, helping children and adolescents who have suffered violence and other forms of abuse providing interdisciplinary, specialized, free individual and group (psychological, psychiatric, legal) support in a friendly, adapted to their needs space and Youth Information and Development Centre in Lublin -a unique place where theory meets practice and information meets opportunity, where we support the development of youth information through our Eurodesk Point and encourage young people to adopt an active civic attitude, promoting social responsibility, initiative and entrepreneurship. We organise workshops, debates and meetings centred around the annual Youth Activity Festival, daily consultations with our youth officers and psychologists, organizing international projects for youth and youth workers in the frames of Erasmus+ and ESC programmes.